Saturday, September 3, 2011

Exploring Nantes

So, yesterday evening, I came to the sad realization that I will not be able to skype anyone from my dorm because the university network has blocked it. When I figured this out, I got really sad for a few hours. I didn't know how I would make it 4 months without skype, but then I realized that it doesn't have to be as bad as I was making it out to be....I do have a telephone, and I can buy a phone card to, at least, have phone chats with people.   So, I will rely on you people facebook/ emailing me often!   I'll even accept snail mail!  Who knows, it may be good for me to not be skyping all the time.  This way, I'll be able to focus on learning French and talking advantage of all the opportunities around me.  It will all be ok. :)

Yesterday, I had my first "intensive French class" with my first ever professor who didn't speak any English!  It was definitely a new experience to not be able to ask him the meaning of a word, and instead trying to figure out his explanation in french and sometimes decode his terrible whiteboard drawing.  The other interesting thing is that my class is made up of about 10 Germans, 5 Italians, and about 5 other people from places like Poland, Finland, and Mexico. Then, there's me and the one other American...I was beginning to think that I was the only one in the program.  The funniest thing is that he's from Chattanooga, TN!  Small world, right?    Overall, though, the class went fairly well.  I needed a review of all that basic grammar that I had in French 333 two years ago. Let's just say that I was a bit rusty.

Today was a much better day...I've gotten over the whole "no skype" thing and I was in a much better mood. I slept in late until about 10:30 and then decided to go wander around the city a little bit.  I had my camera and was ready to take advantage of the beautiful day.  I started by taking the tram about halfway to the city center....right where the Loire River meets the tram tracks.  Then, I remembered that today is the jazz festival that everybody has been talking about.  Since it was so early in the day, they were still setting up, so I just started walking.  I honestly had no idea where I was most of the time, but I wasn't a bit nervous.  I actually stumbled upon a castle and two cathedrals!  The best part is that the locals just start conversations with me...on the street, on the tram, in the stores... I love it!  I can usually hold a pretty good conversation.  There have been a few times, though that the people talk really quickly or they mumble, and I can't understand fully.  Oh well.  I'll get better. 

After wandering for about 2 hours, I finally walked right back into the city center, and I was no longer lost!   I got a "pain du chocolat" for brunch and began walking around the "commerce" area of the city where the majority of the shops are.  I found this really cute little bookstore and spent nearly an hour looking at all the books!  In Knoxville, I get extremely excited whenever I find a French book in McKay.  As you might imagine, being in this bookstore felt amazing!  I didn't buy anything, however, since everything was fairly expensive, but it was still an hour well spent. Since the tram in the city center was shut down due to the festival, I started walking to the nearest working stop.  Meanwhile, I stopped for a little while to listen to a jazz band playing on a boat on the river.  He was singing in English which threw me off for a minute.  I didn't understand much of what he was saying until he sang, "If you don't want to dance, just clap your hands" over and over again. 

Anyway, here's some pictures from wandering around Nantes: 

Chateau Breton

A Street artist


Watching a jazz band play on the boat.

Chess tournament


La Loire

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