Wednesday, September 21, 2011

J'aime la France.

Nothing terribly exciting has happened within the past week, so I felt the need to make a list of the things I love about France. 

 I love buying baguettes.
I love the vast cheese selection.
I love taking the tram.
I love saying, "bon soir."
I love eavesdropping on French conversations.
I love how my car would fit right in.
I love taking the tram.
I love hearing people say, "merde."
I love that we had class at le Musée des Beaux Arts today just because we could. 
I love that I have to bring my own shopping bag to the grocery store.
I love how everything's a pâtisserie, boulangerie, brasserie, épicerie, pharmacie, sandwicherie, etc.
I love how my class starts at 9:30, but nobody gets there until at least 9:40.
I love being so close to the Loire river.
I love finding beautiful buildings on accident.
I love getting lost, but ending up somewhere incredible.
I love how scarves are essential.
I love ordering a café crème.
I love the itty bitty cups the regular café comes in.
I love the fact that they throw fries in a sandwich and call it "un sandwich americain."  (because we totally do that. ?)
I love ordering a quiche lorraine.
I love the paper.  It's like graph paper, but better.
I love plugging things in and hoping they won't explode.
I love how cheap bottled water is in the grocery store.... 0.18 centimes for 1,5l.
I love how the cafeteria only has jambon fromage and jambon beurre sandwiches. 
I love how everyone assumes that I knew every other American in the program before coming here.
I love trying to decipher french spoken by a Chinese person.  It's not easy. haha.
I love how close I am to Paris.
I love how they call McDonalds "McDo"...(pronounced Mac Dough)
I love the tiny 1¢ coins.

That's all I have for now.  À la prochaine!

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