Thursday, September 8, 2011

Oh, yeah. I'm actually here to take classes.

It's been one week, but it feels like I've been here much longer.  The craziness of trying to get all my "arrival to do list" finished has been a tad bit stressful, but yesterday started the beginning of my actual daily routine, and I think that things will definitely go up from here. 

I'm the IRFFLE program here at l'Université de Nantes.  This just means that I'm taking classes that just pertain to learning the French language.  We're grouped together with people that are the same level as we are....Though, I think that everyone in my class is far superior to me, but oh well.  I somehow managed to be placed into the C1 level...which is the 2nd highest level.  I seriously feel like everyone in my class has either lived in France for over a year or has a French parent.  No fair, right? I feel like a fraud being in the same level with all these people.

Anyway, my day yesterday started out like all the others. I watched my computer spark as I plugged it in and wondered for the 100th time if if would actually explode this time.  Then, I had my petit-déjeuner of a yogurt and headed off to class.  My first class of the day was my composition class which was two and a half hours long!  AND, the sun was baking me through the window.  I was actually squinting in order to see the professor.  I won't make the same mistake and sit next to the window ever again in a morning class.  By the way, the windows in these classrooms are in covering an entire wall from floor to ceiling.  I've deducted that this is because the electricity sometimes just doesn't work.  Yeah, no electricity randomly during the day.  The class isn't actually too bad.  My professor enunciates very well, and I was able to understand everything she said.  She also bursts out into laughter randomly during the lecture.  She thinks she's very funny which is quite amusing to me. :)

After my first class, a couple other Americans and I headed over the cafeteria to grab a sandwich before our next class.  Second class of the day was another 2 hours. Culture française...with a professor who wore jeans and a bright plaid shirt and has long hair.  He also mumbles a little bit, so he's a little bit more difficult to understand, but overall, not too bad.

The third class was another 2 hour long class....(Wednesdays are not my favorite)  This is one of the classes that I got to choose.  It is a class about the History of French and European Art.  It doesn't seem like it's going to be too much work, and the prof is very animated and interesting.  Before you judge me for choosing History of Art, take into account that my other choices were Litterature, History of France, Phonetics, and preparation for the DALF.  yikes.

Ok, on to today!  I only had two classes today, so I wasn't so completely worn out tonight as yesterday.  My first class of the day was Theater.   I was late by about 5 minutes to this class because...#1. The paper said the class was in room 441.  #2.  The paper didn't say which building.  I made the mistake of looking in the building where ALL my other classes are. Nope.  It's totally not there.  Apparently I was supposed to know this just by looking at the room number that it was in the "C.I.F." building.  As it turns out, about half the people were even later than I was, so it wasn't too big of a deal.  So, my theater class is extremely interesting.  We began the day by introducing walking across the room and forcefully saying our names over and over again.  (?)  Then we had to pick a character to be...I've never taken an acting class, so this should be extremely interesting....and it's acting in French. oh boy.   There's actually a play that we're all going to be in later this semester.  I plan on standing in the back and maybe having one line.  Hopefully this class will help my pronunciation or something. haha.

So after class, I was heading to the cafeteria when the married Irish couple from my theater class asked me if I'd like to come to their home for a "wee bite."  Well, of course, I would.  Turns out they were both French teachers back in Ireland and they're here now because the husband is preaching at a church here!  They invited me over Sunday after church for lunch, so maybe I'll go?  Their home is super cute and only about a 2 minute walk from my dorm.  They also said I could come over and use their internet to skype at some point...after they get it up and running. haha. 

After a quick sandwich, I headed back to the school for my second class which is L'expression orale.  We basically just had conversation for an hour and a half which was fine by me.  So, I've met all my professors, and I'm not too scared yet.  I think it will be ok as long I can keep up with all these ridiculously good french speakers in my class.

After class, I went to the Maison d'Echange to turn in my bank info so that I can hopefully get my stipend sometime soon.   Then, since I was already on the tram, I decided to just head on over to the "mall" that everyone has been talking about.  I went to the main store there (It could be compared to a Walmart...except bigger!) and bought some much needed items...I bought my first baguette (30 cents) and also a knife to cut it with...slightly more expensive at 2 euros.  I got a plate for 60 cents...since I'd been making a mess without one...and a shopping bag!  If you go to the grocery store without your own, you have to pay 3 cents per bag.  So I got my own reusable one so I can blend in a little more. haha.  I also scouted out the little cafe with free wifi from where I'll hopefully have some skype dates on Saturday.  :)

À bientôt.

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