Sunday, November 20, 2011

Chez le coiffeur

One thing you should know about me is that I make hasty hair decisions.  Once I have it in my head that I want a haircut, I usually go to the hairdresser within 48 hours.  When I decided to chop 12 inches off my hair in 10th grade, it was a Sunday, and I went to the Walmart salon because I couldn't wait until Monday to go to my usual hairdresser.  I don't make any other decisions in my life this way, but when it comes to my hair, spontaneity is a given.  

So, I wasn't really in need of a haircut...I just really wanted the experience of getting a haircut in France.  I didn't know what I really wanted done or anything, but on Thursday afternoon, I went to the hair salon just down the street from my dorm and made a rendez-vous for Friday afternoon.  
After 4 hours of class on Friday morning, I studied my coiffeur vocabulary words and headed to the salon.  I'm glad I did, too, because, I was able to both understand the hairdresser and describe to him what I wanted....Une coupe sur les pointes et une frange (A trim and bangs).  I had the same conversation with him that I have with most of the French people I meet...Where I'm from....How long I'm in France.... What I'm studying...the usual.   The atmosphere in the salon was similar to those back home, but the way he cut my hair was something completely different than any hairdresser I've ever experienced in the US.  (In a good way!)

And here's the result!  I'm loving it so far...  I haven't had bangs/ fringe since like 4th grade, so it's taken some getting used to.  I have a feeling that the next time I need a haircut, I'm going to wish I could just fly back to France.  

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