Monday, November 28, 2011


Last weekend, the 3 Americans reunited for a day trip to Rennes, the capital of the Bretagne region.  The coolest thing for me was the architecture...There were so many "typically Breton" buildings...with wooden panelling in all different colors.  I took SO many pictures of them. 

Since we arrived in Rennes around 9am,  the outdoor market was in full swing.  I've been to the market in 3 different cities now...Nantes, Caen, and now Rennes.  It's always fun to walk around and just see all the different foods.  Being so close to the ocean, there is always a wide selection of fresh seafood...and by fresh, I mean fresh...The crabs were still walking around (slowly since they were on ice, but moving nonetheless).  It's still a little shocking seeing fresh fish just laid out on ice and chickens with their heads still attached. 

 The main reason for going to Rennes was that a friend of John's will be studying there next semester, so we hit up the tourism office and the University to scope it out a little bit.  The University in Rennes had the same general atmosphere as the one in was just a little bit newer, so the facilities were more up to date.  Some other highlights from Rennes were the Saint-Pierre Cathedrale, and a park called "Jardin du Thabo."  Rennes was a really pretty city, and I'm so glad I got to see it! 

Saint-Pierre Cathedral

The old entrance to the city

A used book market

The Opera

Inside the Jardin du Thabo

The boys climbing trees

Pretty fall colors

Holiday decorations in centreville

Just reliving childhood.

A war monument

The canal in Rennes

Café crème at the end of the day. :)

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